Yahweh's Gold Bank (“YGB”), the Confederation’s central gold depository – a form of cooperative institution was formed on December 9, 2023. It is headquartered in Abra in the Cordillera Nation, along with its subsidiaries ASIN Bank and NPIC Financial Services Cooperative.
Through Deeds of Trust, the bank consolidates vast century old and ancient old gold reserves from 254 autonomous ancestral domains, securely held by tribal communities which can then serve the needs of the People of the Philippines through the banks.
Since time immemorial, the physical gold has been securely stored within all ancestral communities throughout the 7,000+ Philippine Islands and is fully available to the banks to secure the issuance of the Cordillera’s gold-backed monetary units, all custodial safekeeping receipts issued by YGB in favor of GGMT for monetization purposes.
The story of YGB is intimately intertwined through various agreements that encapsulate the:
Global Gold Monetary Fund (GGMF) and the thriving Indigenous People of Cordillera Nation (IPCN) since the enactment of Executive Order No. 220 S. 1987, “Creating the Cordillera Administrative Region”.
Continuity of Peace Pact system within the “Primacy Customary Law and Jurisdiction”.
Written “PAGTA” law.
Cordillera Autonomous Nation, the active member amongst the four (4) member nations of the Assembly of First Nations Philippines-Maharlika Federal Monarchy, declaring, asserting and exercising its rights to autonomy, rights to self-determination, rights to self-government, rights to establish its own distinct, political, legal, social, economic and cultural institutions, and right to its own gold-backed monetary unit or scrip system.
Philippine laws, the Republic Act No. 8371 otherwise known as the Indigenous People Rights Act (IPRA Law).
International laws, the ILO-C169 – International Labor Organization Covenant No. 169 otherwise known as the Indigenous and Tribal People Convention of 1989, the ICCPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and,
UNDRIP – United Nations Declaration of Rights of the Indigenous People\
These agreements and laws paved the way for the Cordillera Nation to become GGMF’s first country member and host of its global headquarters.
The story was further enhanced when the Assembly of First Nations Philippines-Maharlika Federal Monarchy responded to an “Open Letter to the Nations of the World” published by GGMF on September 11, 2023 in seven of the top Philippines newspapers, and in a remarkable and inspiring display of solidarity and compassion,188 indigenous and tribal people communities of the Philippines organized into an indigenous people confederation, represented by the 23 Regional and 254 Provincial and City Indigenous People Monarchies headed by the Assembly of First Nations Philippines-Maharlika Federal Monarchy, transferred an initial start-up allocation of more than 200,000 metric tons of physical gold (“Gold Reserves”) through an irrevocable deed of trust in favor of Global Gold Monetary Trust (“GGMT”) which is domiciled in Mauritius.
GGMT may not sell the gold but may freely use God’s gold to promote economic restoration, freedom from debt, and financial stability through the issuance and distribution of a gold-backed medium of exchange to serve the whole world.
GGMT works together with Global Gold Monetary Fund (“GGMF”), which is domiciled in the Cordillera Nation in the Philippines.
GGMT have agreed to allocate a significant portion of their physical gold reserves to capitalize a special purpose Trust Fund to be named “Maharlika People Trust” (“MP Trust”), a sub-trust of GGMT created for the sole benefit of all the people of Maharlika, the Indigenous People of the Philippine islands.
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